Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas in Houston...

The weekend before Christmas we traveled to Houston to be with the Halls and Chenoweths. We started out Saturday morning with the Hall cousins and Mimi and PawPaw. Aunt Kim made a wonderful breakfast and the kids opened presents from Mimi and PawPaw.

Anna got this Barbie she has had her eye for a long time!

Saturday night all of the Chenoweths and Halls gathered at Mimi and PawPaw's house.
lots of cousins!
Just some of the grandkids, I missed the other table of the older cousins.

Lighting the advent candles.
Wish this was in focus of my sweet boys.
G got tools!
Present chaos with 24 people!

The biggest gummy bear you have ever seen! Thanks Mary:).

Sunday morning we went to Mimi's and PawPaw's church and then to brunch at their club. The Christmas decorations are always incredible!

The Halls met us there, too.

The food is always amazing. Graham's plate was waffles, pizza, fruit and mac n cheese. What more could you want?
Santa was there!
This is how G feels about Santa.
Decorating gingerbread men. He wanted a few sprinkles.

Santa and the Hall kids. (I wasn't going to torture G again.)
Sweet cousins! Mimi got them all these cute outfits!!

Boys gotta stick together.
Thank you Mimi and PawPaw for a wonderful weekend with our wonderful Houston family!

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