Sunday, January 16, 2011

'Bout time for that big girl bed!

It was about time for our almost three year old to move to a big girl bed. We didn't push the issue since she never tried to climb out of her crib and there really was no reason for her to switch. She had been in a hand-me-down crib from Wendi and Nick since Graham was born and it has worked great! She is a good sleeper so I was also nervous to mess all of that up. Kind of on a whelm, we decided this weekend would be a good time to make the move. I was very excited that she would be sleeping in the bed I slept in my entire childhood. Mom and Dad graciously said we could have it for AL. I let her pick out sheets and she picked Hello Kitty. I figured that might make her a little more excited. For now she is using some bedding from a set I had after college. It's not so "little girlish" but it will work for now. Here she is saying bye to her crib with a little jump.
Dave got the crib taken down and the bed put together Friday evening when he got home from work.
G and AL checking out the guard rail. (Wish those things were prettier! They really take away from our room decor. ha!)
We had to make sure all 45 babies and blankets made it to the big bed too. And dont forget the pillow pets:)!
She was "tending" (pretending) here for me.
So far she has done great! The first night she did stumble or climb, we are really not sure out of the bed at 4 a.m. Dave quickly put her back in bed and she went straight to sleep. Then that morning she woke up at normal time and came out of her room. She was told numerous times to stay in her bed and call for mommy or daddy when she woke up. So she got a little punishment, but we have not had that problem since. :) This is a time when I love having the video monitor! I love being able to see what she is doing in there! Nighttime and naps have gone great and praying it continues!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Precious! Big girl beds are the best. :)