Sunday, May 24, 2015

February...Anna Lou's birthday, Cowtown Half Marathon and more snow

Boone made himself at home during Anna Lou's school Valentines party.

 Sweet friends and Ms. McPherson
 The Smith family came to watch some indoor soccer.
 Birthday morning.

 Her new pet, Twinkles.
 MIMI took us to Benihana's for AL's birthday dinner! SO much fun!!
 Basketball buds

 Cousins in town to celebrate AL.
 Cowtown half marathon with my awesome training group.
 The best fan club.

 It...was...COLD! But we finished!
 More snow in February. We went to Mema's farm to play!

Anna Lou's cheerleading birthday party complete with HP cheerleaders to teach the girls some skills!

Whew...February was a whirlwind!

Ruidoso Ski Trip

All of the Watkins traveled to Ruidoso right after Christmas to spend a week in the mountains. I'll have is a few phone pics, and I swear Honey and Papa were there but someone not in my pics. It was a wonderful vacation and so much fun watching our oldest two kids learn to ski! Many more ski trips in our future, we hope!!
 Snow at the cabin when we drove up!
 Didn't take them long.

 The babies

 G's with his ski coach

We ran into G's good friend from school, Keegan.

 We watched the Bears collapse and loose their bowl game. :(
 Met up with our dear Midland friends, Terri and John.