Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Birthday Day!

The eve of her big day! 

G wanted to do it too.
February 19th was the actual big day!
We changed pj's because she was hot, she told me.

Off to school.

The birthday treasure chest in Honey's office.
She picked sprinkle donuts for her class treat. 

We love Mrs. Alice Ann!

We didn't have much going on her actual birthday-day so she and Honey went to Build-A-Bear! 

And dippin' dots.

What a special day! Thank you Honey for the best afternoon!

I can hardly believe this girl is five years old! I think of her as my itty bitty baby who didn't eat much, didn't sleep much, but had the best smile, soft raspy voice and bright brown eyes! She has grown up so much this past year! As much as I am not ready, she is ready for kindergarten. She is the most wonderful big sister to her brothers. Graham is her very best friend and she thinks Boone hung the moon. She never questions when I ask for her help with the boys. She takes her role as big sis seriously and loves leading the way. She loves art, dolls, dresses, jewelry and fruit! She also loves to play hard, kick and hit a ball hard!  Anna Lou, aka Lou Lou, has such a sweet spirit and desires to do well in everything. She still has a shy side every once in a while, but when sister is comfortable, watch out! She enjoys playing by herself (I don't blame her sometimes wanting to escape the chaos) and still is deep into pretend play with barbies, her doll house or whatever. She still wants to sit in my lap, and always wants me to scratch her back or head or face or arm or anything. My little physical touch baby! What a joy it is to watch this little one grow into a little girl. She lights up my life every single day!

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