We just can't get enough football around here, I guess! Dave's team had a bye this week and they didn't have anyone to go scout on Friday night. So the four of us traveled to Denton to watch Papa's Broncos play. It was nice hanging out and watching the game with the other coaches' families from the "patio." Denton has recently rennovated their field house, locker room, weight rooms, etc and also built a great place to watch the games. We could sit outside on the "patio" or inside (in the AC!) in a meeting room. It also had a nice bathroom close by which was handy. 

(wrong setting on my camera so this is blurry.) Graham had the wiggles and was VERY sleepy and only wanted Mama.
Papa and AL
Dave worked Saturday morning but had Saturday afternoon OFF! So we headed west to Fort Worth to watch the Frogs but a BEATING on the Bears. boooooo. We kind of saw it coming playing the #4 team in the nation! Oh well...Graham and I still needed to support the bears. Dave and Anna Lou wore the purple and Graham and wore our green and gold.

Packed House!

At half time we got to spread out a little, but during the game it was close quarters! I was a little nervous the whole time with two in our laps. Anna Lou was very entertained and Graham was WIGGLY! He would sit still for a while and just watch and then want to get down, or crawl up me or grab the person in front of us or next to us. Maybe not the best idea taking him. It was also a little toasty so I think that made Graham a little uncomfortable too. After letting Anna Lou watch a little of the "bams" (bands), her favorite part, we went to see some TCU friends and then headed out. The game was awful and we were hot, tired and hungry. But...we still had a really fun afternoon and we are so glad we went!
The frog fans!
The bears fans!
Can you tell Graham is pooped?