I am crossing my fingers that we have nailed down this potty thing. We haven't had an accidents in a few weeks. A few funny things have happened since we started this whole PT adventure. WARNING- a little too much info for some with all of this potty talk ...
- AL has proudly announced in many public places, for example in the crowded AT&T store and in the long Target check out line that "Anna went T-T!!!" Yes, we still talk in third person most of the time.
- AL will sit on the potty going #2 and look between her legs and tell me, "It's coming!"... gross.
- AL calls cookies "tookies." And sometimes it sounds like "dookies." So when we were doing some major bribing at the beginning of PT with cookies, she told my mom "Anna got a big tookie!" which sounded like "Anna did a big dookie!" (Which she did both! ha!)
- She likes to drag out the word big to sound something like "biiiiiiiig" so she enjoys checking out her business in the potty afterwards and telling everyone Anna did a biiiiiiig poopoo!"
These probably aren't that funny to you but if you could hear her little voice get so excited EVERY time she goes, you would laugh too!
Oh my gosh I LOVE it! . . . Warning it is about to be WAY too much information. . . we have SWEET nephews, one of whom, when he was potty training would sit on the toilet (when he went #2) and yell "I'm DONE. . . UNCLE NATE I'M DONE..." so that Nate (which really meant me) to come WIPE him. . .
Hilarious!! Wendi wants a big dookie! PB or Choc Chip.
Awesome! What I would give for Luke to have a BIIIIGGGGG dookie on the potty! Way to go Anna!!!! (and Mom!).
Hilarious, I am so excited for Anna and all her little pottying adventures and sayings...LOL!
LOL moment for me!
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