Monday, October 29, 2012


Hard to believe our red-headed, blue-eyed, middle man is 3! Graham Haggard Hall brings so much joy to our family and don't know what we would do without him. Some things I want to remember about Graham at the age 3...

G loves boy toys like cars, trucks, trains, balls, super heroes and blocks!

But loves any type of ball the best! It if resembles a ball, it might get thrown or kicked. (not always a good thing.)

G has grown up so much this year! Becoming a big brother has boosted him into little boyhood. 

G's very best friend is Anna Lou! He adores her and they are best pals 90% of the time. :)

 G has become a lot more outgoing and a lot more chatty with everyone! 

G loves school and loves his two teachers. He loves counting to twenty and is learning his letters.

He is crazy about the letter "R". what? not sure about that one! He always wants me to write his name on his papers and then often tells me to draw an "R." 

This boy is a pretty good eater, but especially loves anything sweet!
He also loves his condiments and dipping!

This boy could watch tv all day if I let him. His favorites are Team Umizoomi, Super Why and Diego.

With his boost into boyhood, he has become braver with trying new things like the high stuff on playgrounds.

G is a good sleeper, sleeping about 11 ours at night and napping about 2 hours most days.

He says the word "kinda" a lot but sound more like "kina." "That car's kina like Papa's." "That horse kina looks like Pistol." "Boone's kina got hair like me."

 G is a big ol' boy! 75% in both height and weight and wears mostly 4T.

G had become quite the little character and gets us all chuckling.

He could take or leave his little brother. ha! He hardly notices him most days and out of the blue will go up to him and talk in a baby voice to him.

G's favorite songs to sing are "Take me out to the ballgame," "Twinkle," and "Zacchaeus."

Along with G's chatting come some funny things he says! He C's become T's and sometimes they become the "Ch" sound. 

"I love TARS", "TAN I have a TOOKIE!"
"Mommy! CHATCH!" (catch) I hear this one a lot!

We still have the occasional fit, but we are working on it and growing out of it, thank you Lord! (normally do to missing a nap)

This boy still loves his mama but Daddy is quite the hero in his eyes!

 Graham's teachers at school, church and bible study tell me he is an easy going child who follows directions and is always happy. 

Graham is really growing up too fast for us! He is such a sweetheart and loves occasionally to sit in my lap! I sure don't mind! One of my favorite things he says is when I am putting him to bed..."One more HUD and one more TISS."(hug and kiss:) G- I always have one more HUD and one more TISS for you! We all love this sweet boy and are so thankful for him! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Can't stop celebrating!

We have had more birthday bonanza around here! Daddy's birthday was a typical school and work day for us. Daddy isn't home in time for dinner, but we enjoyed his birthday dinner of tacos and ice cream before he got home and AL and G stayed up to greet him.

Hiding and surprising Daddy when he got home.

Her birthday card for Daddy. (Mommy helped a little with the family pic)

Daddy's candle in his taco:).
This weekend we celebrated Mommy and Daddy's birthdays with Honey and Papa at our favorite, Pappasitos!

The two B-Dubs. 

Back at home we opened presents and had ice cream cake!

He liked it!
SO thankful for spending our birthday month with our awesome family! They blessed us with WAY too much! 

Friday, October 19, 2012

A Big Win and Friday Fun Day...

 This week was Lion Homecoming and huge game against Plano East, my alma mater. The game was actually Thursday night.  Now last week we had played Dave's alma mater, Plano. It's a little strange being on the other side against these teams, but my heart is ALWAYS with our Lions!! Well...we won! It was awesome and the coaches and players were ecstatic!! 

Anna Lou had on her mum that we have recycled now for the 3rd year in a row! 

This boy really watches the game! He plays with toys a lot, but will stop and watch for a few minutes at  a time. Although he is not a fan of the noise volume of the games! I screamed so loud and jumped up when we had a huge interception, I scared the poor boy to tears! 

Us with our very tired kiddos in front of the scoreboard which read 24-12! Thankful Papa was there to help hold tired kids and Honey kept Boone at home!

 The day after games is tough. Daddy had school today since we played on Thursday night, but even with Friday games he works all day Saturday. I'm glad we don't have school or any regular activities to get out the door to. We still try to stay a little bit busy to distract from our weariness.  When do kids start really sleeping in??! They tend to sleep about an hour later than normal but when do the 10am wake ups start happening? ha! Today we stayed in our pjs all the way through afternoon naps. Here are some iPhone pics from our day. We decorated some pumpkins with stickers for our porch . Silly G!

My parents were at the State Fair and sent me this pic. How sad! Farewell Big Tex!

My sister-in-law Mary sent us this awesome door hanger made of burlap!

I came out from putting Boone down for a nap and Anna had this set up. A little nail station with polish, make-up and a fan! She painted my toes and I painted hers. Mine look awesome:).

Why is coffee so much better on a cool morning?

We made some banana bread with mushy bananas.

Late this afternoon, after very long naps, we picked up some Sonic and went to the park. 

My buddy is more cuddly these days which is awesome. 

We finished our day with several rides down this bumpy slide which provided lots of giggles.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Graham Turns 3!

Sunday, October 14th, our Graham Haggard officially turned three! When he woke up we had a few goodies waiting for him.  This sweet boy was a little shell shocked with the chaos we created. He isn't one for loud, craziness and chaos. He was so hesitant at first to go see his presents. With Daddy and of course sister's help, he finally got into it.

He loves his new strider bike!

The batman bat cave from the Junods was a BIG hit!!
Sprinkle donuts of course for birthday breakfast on the "You are Special Today" plate. 
MIMI came to church with us, and then we were home for a quick lunch and naps. We needed to rest up for the festivities.

Honey and Papa graciously let us use their house for ANOTHER party! Graham LOVES all things Cars and all things Lightening McQueen! When I asked him a while back if he would like a Lightening McQueen party, he was fired up! We sent out an Evite, had a few close friends and family, ordered pizza and cake and were entertained by H&P's backyard. It was low key and perfect for our G!

These cookies were favors and amazingly done by Sweetface Cookies!

Stoplight Brownies.

Honey even found Cars kleenex:)

B came along too:)

The incredible cake from C Star Cakes! Lightening McQueen was even edible! He was a rice crispy treat!

Me and two awesome women who I LOVE!

Crazy Kiddie Tables!

Who taught this kid to eat pizza with ranch?
Heather and Janet with their two babies, just one not born yet. ha!

Can never have enough McQueens!

More cake pics!

You can tell our shy boy was a little overwhelmed with all of the attention!

Sooooo thankful for my Co-Host!!

Honey got these cool jack-o-lantern punch balls which were a hit! 

Til half of them popped! Oh well, the kids laughed when they popped. Better than tears!
Such special place in my heart for this boy!

MIMI was such a dear and took great care of little Boone ALL NIGHT! She always just steps in and helps wherever needed without even being asked! 

G got some awesome presents from sweet friends and family! Sister was there to help.

The Smiths hung around a little longer, which we were so happy about since we don't get to see them very often! Hilarious of G shooting Landon with his new gun! 
Ash and B.
Love, Love, Love this pic of my amazing parents and G! They worked their little tails off prepping and hosting this party! All because they love us!

As if he needed more, G had more presents from MIMI and PawPaw and the Hall cousins to open when we got back home.
I have to give it to big sis Anna Lou who was awesome all weekend! I know it's always hard for the siblings when EVERYTHING is about the other one. She got so excited FOR Graham with every present and with all of the party stuff. So thankful for her sweet self!

We all had the best weekend celebrating the big 3 year old!  So thankful for our friends and family loving on our Graham in a huge way!