Saturday, October 6, 2012


 The Hall House has been bitten by the bug, the sick bug that is. We have had a crazy two weeks starting with Anna Lou and the tummy bug. She tossed her cookies on our way out the door headed to church.  Daddy stayed home and I took the boys on to church. (I got the better end of the deal.) Graham got a touch of the tummy bug but we were all back on schedule a few days later. Then I got mastitis, which unfortunately a lot of mommies know about. OUCH! I have had it with every baby, but this was by far my worst case! Feels like flu and boy, it was awful! A few antibiotics later I was back in business a few days later. So thankful for Honey helping out extra and Daddy hurrying home from work each day! Then, this week, Graham's school called and said he had a fever. I went and picked him up and he was asleep on the floor in the office. What?! Sick boy! He had a little cold that I had mistaken for allergies, which he has had the past few months.  I ended up taking him to the doctor that afternoon and he had croup.  We are in day three of the lovely croup and he is getting a little better each day. He sounds horrible and looks very sick, but should be fine in another day or so. 

A few random pics..

One of my favorites of these two from a few weeks ago.

blurry babies.

Thankful this little guy has stayed healthy beside a few sniffles.

We are on our bye week which meant we didn't have a game this weekend. What a blessing! Thank you Lord for little blessings! Daddy was home a little bit more and we are hunkering down to all get healthy! We've got a little boy turning three next weekend and it's time for everyone to feel good!


Trina said...

Wow! Bless all of your hearts!! I hope you all get well ASAP! Hugs!

Katie and Justin Cox said...

:( Sad face doesn't quite get it... mastitis is NO fun!! Glad you are better!! And that your littlest one weathered all the storms thrown his way... praise God!