Friday, August 20, 2010

Way Back Friends...

We are WAY BACK FRIENDS with the Ross Family and the Prince Family. All of the kids went to school together growing up and are proud Plano East grads!! With most everyone in town this summer the Ross' graciously hosted a fun summer swim party! We also got to see another old Plano East/Baylor friend, Matt and his wife Ashley who stopped by. The Ross' have always been amazing party throwers and once again, it was awesome! They never skimp on food!!Cute little signs that had our names and a picture to go with us on them.

Mini bundt cakes that were delish!!

The Ross Resort

The originals

Jeff, Matt, Glen

Me, Wendi, Jill, Julie

We've multiplied.
The real originals.

Such a great reunion!!

1 comment:

Ashley Franks said...

We're so glad that we got to come see you guys!! The best part of the evening was by far Anna singing and dancing to "Party in the USA". So cute!!